Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Prepping for Sea + A New Paper!

Well, today promises to be a very busy one. We're loading up the boat, rigging our equipment, stocking up on provisions, etc. 

But my collaborator Dr. Susan Parks (at Penn State) emailed me to let us know that our paper on right whale foraging behavior in Cape Cod Bay has just been published in the journal Biology Letters.

Right whales are an endangered species and our results indicate that they may be particularly susceptible to ship strikes when they are in this area because of where there prey (copepods) are located in the water column. And the right whales spend a lot of time eating so they'll be wherever their food is.

Working with charismatic megafauna also leads to the press being interested in our work so several news outlets and blogs already have stories about the paper. I think it's even been "tweeted"

Science News
Penn State's Press Release
Discovery News

Off to the dock,

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